Quail Canyon Kennels - Josh Nieman
Welcome to Quail Canyon Kennels, owned by Josh Nieman and located in the countryside of beautiful South Central Nebraska. Quail Canyon Kennels is a full service kennel that takes pride in training superb field trial and hunting dogs. Dogs from our training program not only make excellent hunting companions, but also compete at the highest levels of NGSPA and AKC field trials.
We offer a beautiful 30-acre bird field for working young trial dogs and hunting dogs. This is a great place to start puppies on pigeons and pen-raised quail. We also train on thousands of acres of hunting ground that holds large populations of wild pheasants, quail, and prairie chickens. We have a secluded whelping building with two runs for raising puppies.
At Quail Canyon Kennels, we begin by discussing goals for prospective clients' dogs. We then evaluate your dog for the first two weeks to see if your dog has the qualities we're looking for to be a professionally-trained bird dog here at Quail Canyon Kennels. Our belief is we don't want to waste your money or our time. We tailor our training to each dog based on its unique needs. Our goal is to see our clients have success with their dogs whichever venue they choose, whether hunting, hunt tests, field trials, or basic obedience. We succeed when you and your dog are successful together!
Our Puppy Program:
- Proper socialization
- Excitement about birds
- Utilizing their instincts in a low-stress, fun environment
Gun Dogs (Dogs enrolled in the Program must be at least 6 months of age):
- Yard Work - come, whoa, whistle, electronic collar conditioning, and kennel
- Teaching Dog to Handle - reinforcing yard work and quartering skills
- Holding Point - introduction to pigeons, then pen-raised quail, and then wild quail
- Backing - honoring another dog on point
Force Retrieving - takes anywhere from 4 - 8 weeks, depending on the dog.
We welcome dog owners to come work with us when their dogs are close to being ready to come home. Learn how we handle your dog and what we expect them to do. We are always ready to answer your questions and give any assistance you need after your dog has completed our program. We do not use harsh methods. We do not believe in mistreating dogs.
Quail Canyon Kennels - Josh Nieman
73856 Highway 283Elwood, Nebraska 68937